Rhubarb Lemonade Syrup

I don’t have many good memories of my grandmother’s cookery, but her rhubarb lemonade was something special. I’m sure I didn’t even like rhubarb in those days, but I loved this lemonade. Fruity, tangy, sweet and very refreshing on a hot summer day. Unfortunately it only keeps for a few days, so I decided to try and freeze it in some ice-cube-bags.  The syrup doesn’t really set solid though, it becomes like a thick, sticky paste. Geting a little bit messy when trying to squeeze out 2 cubes for a glass of lemonade, but I’m still happy it keeps longer now. Just use an extra bag.


500 gram rhubarb, cut into pieces
1 kg sugar
25 gram citric acid (citroenzuur in dutch)

Wash the rhubarb and cut into 3-cm pieces.
Softly boil without any extra water until the juices have come out.
Transfer the rhubarb to a fine sieve, hanging over a bowl.
Push and squeeze all the juice out of the rhubarb.
Add some water to make out 5 dl of juice.
Add the sugar and boil until sugar dissolves. Let it cool down. (preferably in a sink with cold water)
Let the citric acid dissolve in a little bit of hot water and let it cool down, then add it to the cold juice.
Pour in a clean bottle and keep in fridge for a couple of days.
Or pour in a plastic icecube-bag to keep in the freezer. 

Tip: just a little bit of this syrup in a glass of prosecco/cava/sekt will give it a nice twist. 

About Robin

I love to cook. Check out my dutch website: Aziatische-ingredienten.nl
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2 Responses to Rhubarb Lemonade Syrup

  1. remi says:

    Beste Robin,

    Na de MaPo Taufo, waar ik me misselijk aan kan eten verbaas ik me weer.

    Rabarberlimonade, hoe kom je er op. Niet dat ik nu sta te springen om ineens aan de raberberlimo te gaan maar ik vind het toch een gewaagd recept.
    Zelf vind ik rabarbercompote een heerlijk verfrissend toetje maar eet het slechts een tot twee keer per jaar maar limonade, daar was ik nog niet opgekomen.

    Rabarber limonade doet mee een beetje aan zuurkool-ijs denken, Pierre Wind.



  2. Maninas says:

    had some recently at a restaurant and loved it.

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